Thursday, January 29, 2009

Woops! and other Funnies!

And after the tears this morning, this is what he did? I feel horrible!

I think SOME of the food made it into her mouth!
I guess dinner wasn't that appealing.
Is it just me, or doesn't she totally look like the step-mom off of Pete's Dragon?
Thoughts swirling!


  1. Such cute pictures! Courtney are you guys?

  2. Oh my gosh they are so cute!! I love the note to the toothfairy!! He is great! Seriously that picture of Tali with the hat on is so AWESOME!! Send some of that warm weather our way, I am tired of below zero, windy and icy!!!

  3. HEY...when did you start this blog?? I saw it on your facey profile. I am seriously getting around to calling you but had to check out ANOTHER one of your blogs because you are the super mom and I just know I'll learn something new! Your kids all have the most beautiful eyes! Tell Big B I say 'hi'.
