Friday, April 30, 2010

I'm getting lost

When I got to my blog and realize that I haven't posted in almost two months I realize how lost I am... lost in life that is. Sometimes the world seems to just spin around me in a whirlwind of kids, dishes, cooking, driving, bills and I actually have been having quite a bit of fun too. So here's what I missed filling you in on :)

In March we were SO lucky to have Jared & Cindy come to visit... I want them to come back... we had so much fun! The kids were in heaven, the weather was beautiful and we had an adventurous and relaxing few days! Mya is just adorable, and already she was such a little mother to Ryan... she couldn't give him enough kisses!
For Easter we got together with the Click's and camped out at their house just about all day. We hardly even noticed there were any kids because they were playing so well. We showed them egg wars on their trampoline... LOVE egg wars!

Apparently we were having too much fun to take pictures, because this is all I got when we had a visit from Wendy, Melissa, Oriana and Tori! We had a blast, but SOOO missed the other girls! We found major cool stuff at our favorite thrift store... it's become a hilarious tradition.
Meanwhile Ryan is just growing like a weed... can you believe that the small outfit is the one he came home from the hospital in, and he's busting out of the 0-3 month jumper he's wearing! I am sooo happy to announce he's been sleeping 6 hours at a time in the night... I'm actually getting some rest :)
Our handsome little man... SO happy to have him!


  1. ryan is so cute i wanna come back just so i can hold him!!! That was a fun trip and we will have to come out again SOON!! miss all of you!!

  2. I'm so glad Sammy isn't the only one with dark hair anymore. He is so cute! I can't wait to see the little guy this summer.

  3. He is so CUTE!! So dark!! He looks so much different than the others! I love it!

  4. Oh man...I have a new baby crush. He is absolutely adorable!

  5. I have been wondering why you have been so quiet lately :). I love that last picture of Ryan. He is sooo cute. I can't wait for you to all come back to visit :)

  6. We miss you guys! I tell Jared I want to run away to Arizona the whole time he's gone to help ease the time by a little easier! We had a blast relaxing and catching up.

  7. Love it that you were able to update your blog. Its so fun!!! I can't believe we didn't take too many pictures either. It was a blast and cant wait til the summer too. Love and miss you guys!

  8. So fun!! It makes me even more excited for when we get to see you this summer! I don't want to miss the next girls trip though!! :) Love all the pictures!

  9. Ryan looks a lot like our side of the family! are you guys going up for bryce's wedding? You guys are soo cute!

  10. I'm so glad to hear you are getting some sleep!! Ryan is such a little cutie, just like theall your kids are.
